It is with this website that I fully intend on expressing my own opinions in the HORROR-world. I have long been a member of myspace but wish to expand my horizon and move onto something more serious, that maybe will be looked up by people who actually have something intelligent to say or discuss. I don't want anything to be taken to the extremes on here but...basically in a nutshell, I'm going to talk about MOVIE REVIEWS, BOOK REVIEWS, UPCOMING EVENTS, THE CLASSICS, THE LEGENDS, & much, much more ALL RELATED TO HORROR!

I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to give me any comments on the site or any of the reviews.

**PLEASE NOTE: I'm new to this whole experience so please, have patience with me. I do hope to have the site up and running in good time and regularly. But until I get there, your support and patience is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!